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Design - Simon Grech, Andrea Zerafa, Dawn Fearne, Matthew Tanti, Mark Vella, Sam Bonello

Images -  MODEL



The context is Pjazza Teatru Rjal. On the one side, there is a house of power and authority, a place where Malta’s governmental leaders meet to forge a way forward.  A subtly satirical contrasting image, we intend for our reflected installation to be representative of the people who elected the pivotal decision-makers: laypeople capable of contributing towards a better general public. The focus begins to shift from the actions of the select-few onto the actions of everyday good-doers: the real heroes of contemporary Malta.


Moreover, we want to celebrate living Malta through a living monument. Our intention is to design a responsive framework that develops and changes, allowing every user to leave their mark - both symbolically and physically. The structure will support a pre-defined set of actions worthy of recognition as contributions of goodwill to society. A resultant personalised imprint on the canvas will hopefully encourage unengaged observers to follow suit. In summary, the installation serves as a catalyst for social change, encouraging good-doings by recognising and displaying them as worthy additions to Valletta’s impressive streetscape.



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